Our lived experiences and the experiences that our colleagues constantly share with us. Equipped with that knowledge, we determined the appropriate suite of services listed below.
Tailored strategies and initiatives to promote diversity, equity, and inclusion within organizations and schools by addressing bias, promoting cultural competency, and fostering diversity awareness.
Individualized coaching sessions to enhance leadership skills and personal growth.
Assistance in navigating organizational changes and implementing effective change management processes.
Understanding and addressing unconscious biases that may impact interactions and decision-making processes.
Implementing restorative practices to build community, resolve conflicts, and address disciplinary issues in a transformative and inclusive manner.
Strengthening partnerships between schools, parents, and the broader community, enhancing communication, and involving families in their children's education.
Utilizing human-centered design principles to develop inclusive and user-centric solutions.
Increasing individuals' understanding of diverse cultures, traditions, and experiences better promotes inclusivity and cultural competence in various settings.
Engaging and informative speaking engagements on topics related to DEI, leadership, organizational culture, and teaching best practices.
Training programs and workshops to support staff and/or educators in creating trauma-sensitive work and learning environments.
Providing educators with tools and techniques to enhance students' social and emotional skills, fostering resilience, empathy, and positive relationships.
Designing and delivering learning programs to foster continuous growth and development within organizations.
Supporting individuals in effectively meeting the needs of people with disabilities, promoting inclusive practices, and creating inclusive environments.
Offering customized professional development workshops to enhance instructional practices, content knowledge, and pedagogical skills.
Supporting individuals in utilizing technology tools and resources to enhance teaching and learning experiences within any learning environment.
Three Stages Of Change
We believe there are three stages to seeing sustainable change implemented. Our approach when working with our partners is centered on these stages and influence the services offered.
For more information, please see our Theory Of Change.
Evaluation & Acknowledgment
Organizations that have been operating without inclusion must build restoration and trust-building before anti-racist work can begin. Our work is rooted in anti-blackness at the root of all racism.
At this stage we offer:
DEI Committee Development
Baseline Research Focusing on Organizational Climate and Culture
Trend Meetings to Develop a Targeted Plan of Intervention
24% Of All Respondents Report Experiencing Discrimination In The Workplace
(Unrealized Impact)
Dialogue is critical and necessary. It is essential that we communicate the presenting areas of need. Listening is our best tool and empathy is vital.
Training & Transparency
At this stage we offer:
DEI Trainings for Senior Leadership and/or Board Members
Organizational Strategy/DEI Plan
Transparency Framework
DEI Strategic Planning
Executive Coaching
DEI Trainings for Staff
Organizations are more likely to be externally promoted by their staff if the organization has made an explicit commitment to equity.
(Unrealized Impact)
Systems for Sustained Culture & Climate
Implementing sustainable systems is crucial to ensure long-term success. This process is ongoing and will continue beyond the duration of our partnership.
At this stage we offer:
DEI Hiring and Onboarding For Diverse Hiring Practices
Establishment of Affinity, and White Allyship, Group Meetings
Recommendations for Sustained Culture
Continuous Quarterly Culture Evaluations
Diverse Companies are 70% More Likely to Report That the Firm Captured a New Market
(Harvard Business Review)